All Will End

Don't worry this isn't a post about the end of the world. It's more about the end of a certain season. Like the surfer in the picture riding the wave until it's gone. I thought this was a good simile for life. Life brings us people, situations, jobs, and relationships like waves. You get to ride on those waves for a bit then they disappear. Sometimes it will be a long ride. Sometimes you'll crash. Sometimes you'll try and catch a wave and your timing is all wrong. So you wait for the next wave to come your way. Life will always give you opportunities over and over again. Take the waves you want and ditch the ones you don't. If you make a mistake, take some time to think about it. Then get back on that board and enjoy another ride.

All will end and that's what makes life so beautiful.


What's one wave that you're grateful for catching?


Peace and Love
