On The Way Up

Back in high school, I took a photography class. That class was still film based and you had to develop pictures in the dark room. The process was interesting to learn and fun to do. But, I got a C in the class cause my projects were late and I was just not very good. 10 years later I picked up a camera again cause I was missing the creative element in my life. It's been 3-4 years now of this path and it's been a roll-a-coster. Some weeks I feel like I really have something going. Some weeks I feel like my stuff is trash and I feel like an imposter in this field. So I assume others have felt this in some way. So here are some ideas that I tell myself. They might help you if you’re in this spot right now.


1st- Even if you think your work is trash remember that you are not your art. You're not trash.


2nd- If you can work through that time where you feel like that your art sucks, it will get better. It's like a graph that goes up and down. You're always improving but there will be small dips along the way.


3rd- Look back on your first projects. Look back on what you used to do years ago and see how far you have come.


4th- Art is a process and doesn't have a destination.


These ideas help me and I hope they help you too.


If you have any other helpful tips post them up in the comments below.


Peace and Love
