Enoch Yang // Ghost

Album artwork… Check.

It was really fun to talk concept ideas for this one. I don’t normally do concept work like this, so it was a fun creative experiment. To learn more about the artist and listen to his work keep reading!

Enoch Yang is a queer indie-pop artist in Los Angeles, CA. His music is centered around the self-identity crisis that resulted from his experience of growing up both queer and Christian; and has been featured on publications such as Pittsburgh Music Magazine and Jake's Take. He is an advocate for queer liberation and social justice for marginalized people groups and wants his music to reflect his experience as a gay man.

Ghost is a follow-up release to Enoch's coming out album, Honest, and is centered around the theme of finding love and keeping it hidden for fear of being discriminated. It depicts the reality of being in a relationship with another man and yet being unsure of how others feel about it.

You can hear a preview of the song here: https://www.enochyang.com/ghost  <https://www.enochyang.com/ghost>
