The Build

The reason we traveled to Guatemala was to help 8 families build new homes. Helping people with their foundation level requirements is a must. When you don't have to worry about the roof over your head you can spend that time finding work. When you don't have to spend hours of your day getting water for your family, that time can be spent on education. It's all connected. It wasn't all hard work to be clear. We swam in waterfalls, had a black sand beach to ourselves, and helped little sea turtles get released. Helping Hands Grateful hearts (the charity Organization that plans the trip) wants you to experience the beauty, the color, the taste, and the people of Guatemala as a whole. This is amazing cause I got to met amazing people that love their country and their work.


A personal take away from this trip.

- MLK talks about living a Three Dimensioned life. length, breadth, and height. (better in his words)

Length of life- "I said that this is the dimension of life where we are concerned with developing our inner powers. In a sense, this is the selfish dimension of life." "...And you know what loving yourself also means? It means that you've got to accept yourself. So many people are busy trying to be somebody else. God gave all of us something significant. And we must pray every day, asking God to help us to accept ourselves."

The breadth of Life- "the breadth of life is the outward concern for the welfare of others, as I said. And a man has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow confines of his own individual concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity... "What did you do for others?"... "somewhere along the way, we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others..."

The Height of Life- "There are two kinds of atheism. Atheism is the theory that there is no God. now one kind is a theoretical kind, where somebody just sits down and starts thinking about it, and they come to a conclusion that there is no Go. The other kind is practical atheism, and that kind goes out of living as if there is no God. And you know there are a lot of people who affirm the existence of God with their lips, and they deny his existence with their lives. You've seen these people who have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds." "... And I'm here to tell you today that we need God. Modern man may know a great deal, but his knowledge does not eliminate God."

Audio if you like to listen.

The challenge is to make sure all these areas are balanced. Without one of these areas. Life becomes 2D. kinda flat. kinda dull. And with only one you are a single point. One dimensional. On this project, I felt all these dimensions finally come together. In the end, when you get to give the home over to the family was very emotional and very beautiful. Highly recommend 10 out of 10. :)